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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for JVMJVM
XYGUCUSCEZClient - Java - Fixed an intermittent hang where nlnotes.exe would terminate with a javacore due to "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError"
HNAKCR3MS7Client - Java - Fixed an issue where the Client Java heap size values in the jvm.properties file in the Notes/framework/rcp/deploy directory were...
Hide details for LotusScriptLotusScript
JALACUTN23Programmability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue in 64 bit client where NotesDocument.CreateObject for a Microsoft Excel Worksheet would fail with the...
Hide details for LotusScript Editor on EclipseLotusScript Editor on Eclipse
JJARCXSK6BProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where uploading a file using NotesHTTPRequest.put request from Notes to Office 365 API is not...
Hide details for MailMail
JADGBBQPTGClient - Mail - Fixed a crash that could occur in the Notes client when issuing a cross certificate during web retrieval of a mail...
KWAED2397GiNotes - Mail - Fixed an issue where iNotes failed to forward multiple documents with attachment in particular cases. This regression was introduced...
SRDECZJC8UiNotes - Fixed an issue where iNotes failed to show the body contents of S/MIME opaque-signed message.
KWAED2M9SAiNotes - Fixed an issue where JavaScript error occurred when a user tried to open a signed and/or encrypted mail in HTTP access if TLS access was...
MLEYAABH3SiNotes - Spell Check - Fixed an issue where if an unsupported language is selected in the Mail Policy, it was showing as undefined. Now the closest...
Hide details for Mail ClientMail Client
TKAACXN3T3Client - Mail - Fixed an issue where the error message "Invalid Phrase or character found." was displayed when a multibyte address in the personal...
Hide details for Mail RoutingMail Routing
JTHSCW9DH8Server - Security - Fixed an issue where when DKIM is used by multiple domains and the User is in one domain but the MailDB address is in another...
Hide details for MIMEMIME
KSAUCYUC79Server - Mail - Fixed an issue where mail was not being delivered when there were two or more recipients, and when "External email Notifications"...
SGHHCYVDK4iNotes - Fixed an issue where an error "Something went wrong. We are having trouble displaying your messages" could appear when opening certain...
Hide details for MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
SGHHCYRL44iNotes - Fixed an issue where restore from archive command failed on iNotes. This regression was introduced in 12.0.2 FP2.
Hide details for REST APIREST API
NVENCXFPLMProgrammability - REST API - Fixed an issue where a Domino REST API Java program was unable to load LotusScript resources using AgentRun on Windows...
Hide details for RestyleRestyle
MLEDCZANX2Client - Restyle - Fixed an issue where Restyle was not restyling navigators anymore - giving an error "Note item not found". This regression was...
MLEDCZAPGKClient - Restyle - Fixed an issue with Restyle where if an item that was saved in history as a mapped element was deleted, the database could can no...
SRPACZUBDCDesigner - Views - Use Restyled Icons - Fixed an issue where a black square icon was displayed when the icon value was higher than...
CSAOCZXET5Client - Restyle - Fixed an issue where a Design only copy of a restyled database was still referencing a view in the original database, resulting in...
SRPACZS7QZDesigner - Restyle - Views - Fixed an issue with view option "Use Restyled Icons" where switching between the views in the client would not change...


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